Volunteer Details

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please submit your information here. 

Volunteering with VITA

This is the 48th season Murray State University (MSU) has participated in the annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program hosted by the MSU Accounting Department and Beta Alpha Psi. This Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sponsored program offers the Murray community free tax preparation for low to moderate income and elderly taxpayers.  The United Way of Murray-Calloway County partners with MSU expanding our efforts in the community. Each year four tax preparation sessions are offered on the MSU campus.    


The VITA program is organized and ran by MSU student volunteers that graciously give their time to support this amazing program. VITA offers several positions in which student volunteers may be involved. Greeters welcome the client, explain the process, assist in completing required documentation, and then introduce the taxpayer to the Interviewer. Interviewers evaluate client documentation and complete the required intake questionnaire. Working together, two student volunteers prepare every return based on their level of certification. A Reviewer then reviews the return prior to meeting with the client for approval and e-filing on their behalf. Experienced VITA volunteers may be appointed Site Coordinators which are readily available at each session to assist and answer any questions volunteers or taxpayers may have. 


Student Site Coordinators additionally assist with advertising, coordinating volunteer positions and hours, compiling and submitting completed volunteer certification documentation, and ongoing organization of operations. Beta Alpha Psi, the Accounting Society, along with Accounting Faculty all participate in recruiting and encouraging students to volunteer.


To become a volunteer, students must meet IRS certification requirements. MSU offers two onsite training sessions with online training also available for students unable to attend. Regardless of position, all volunteers complete ethics training and must pass the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Exam and Intake/Interview and Quality Review Exam. Students may then choose one or more of the Tax Law exams in which tax returns are prepared to the level of certification. Tax Law certifications include Basic, Advanced, and Foreign. Student volunteers also receive training on TaxSlayer Pro software used to generate returns.


VITA offers students hands-on tax preparation skills with certifications along with public experience through working with actual clients in a professional style setting. Professionalism and ethical behavior is emphasized along with the importance of community service outreach creating invaluable tools for each student’s career. 

I've signed up...Now what?


If you choose to volunteer, you will need to attend training on Friday, February 7th. We will host in-person training all day that day, with lunch provided by ATA! Additional training information can be found below based on the level of certification you choose. Certification tests are taken online via Link and Learn Certifications (see the Additional Resources below for more information).


To participate in VITA, you must first certify by taking a series of online tests. The certification level you wish to achieve then dictates which training(s) you need to attend. You can volunteer to be an Administrative Assistant, a Staff Accountant, or a Senior Accountant. 

      Our administrative assistants are the first faces our clients see. Administrative assistants can play many roles including, door greeter, welcome desk associate, parking associate, waiting room attendant, and document scanner. Administrative assistants must:


      Our staff accountants are responsible for preparing basic returns. Staff accountants must: 


      Our senior accountants are responsible for preparing advanced returns. Seniors also have the opportunity to certify for Foreign Student tax preparation (however this is optional). Senior accountants must: 

Once you have certified, you must send copies of all of your certifications to Dr. Hoffman via email (shoffman8@murraystate.edu). 

Additional Resources

Valuable links you may need/want are also:

             Password: TRAINPROWEB

External training links:


VITA Site Director

Tori Hoffman

Assistant Professor, 

Department of Accounting

Tori Hoffman, CPA, Ph.D. is dedicated to supporting each of her students and her community by organizing, facilitating, coordinating and overseeing MSU's VITA Program. She is passionate about providing her students real-world experience so they not only feel prepared but empowered as they enter the next chapters of their careers beyond Murray State University. 

Additional Information

For additional information or questions, please feel free to contact the 

MSU Accounting Department

(270) 809-4193


Training is Under Construction - If you need additional training information, please contact Dr. Hoffman.

VITA Volunteer - Training Videos

Volunteer Standards of Conduct & Intake/Interview and Quality Review Certification Training - Required of All Volunteers

Basic Preparer Training

Advanced Preparer Training and Software Demonstration

Required Volunteer Documentation

Form 13615: Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement - This agreement needs to be completed after completion of certifications and requires ID verification by the Site Coordinator

Certification Certificates - These must be downloaded from the Link and Learn Taxes website, and then forwarded to the Site Coordinator.